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Distracted driving study reveals concerning trends

Distracted drivers continue to be a threat to road users in Connecticut, yet according to a study commissioned by the artificial intelligence firm Netradyne, most drivers still think of themselves as being safe. The study involved a survey of some 1,248 drivers, all 18 and older, between February 25 and March 10, 2020.

Lack of awareness is not the problem

Of these drivers, 91% thought of themselves as safe and responsible, and less than half admitted that they could be safer drivers. On the other hand, 82% expressed concern about distractions, and half believe that driving is becoming more and more dangerous. Half of the respondents singled out commercial truckers as particularly unsafe drivers.

Distractions both common and severe

The survey found that the most common distraction was drinking liquids behind the wheel. As for the most serious, that was going on social media. The results of distraction were clearly reflected. One in seven admitted to being a distracted driving crash where they were injured and/or damaged their vehicle beyond repair. Twenty percent, on account of distractions, were fined or received points on their license.

Preventing distracted driving crashes

Drivers who truly are responsible should make sure they know their defensive driving techniques. Safety features like collision warning and adaptive cruise control may provide numerous benefits as well.

Legal representation for your case

Innocent victims of motor vehicle collisions deserve compensation for their injuries. To see if you qualify and for how much, you may schedule a legal case evaluation. The lawyer may take on your personal injury claim, even negotiating on your behalf for a settlement out of court. A successful claim could cover medical expenses, both past and future; lost income; vehicle repair or replacement costs; and pain and suffering. The lawyer may take the case to court if negotiations fail.

Contact Our Connecticut Law Firm Now!
When is the best time to call a Connecticut lawyer? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself. Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!