Each year, thousands of people are injured in Connecticut motorcycle accidents. One of the most common injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident is road rash. This type of injury occurs when a biker or passenger receives abrasions from sliding across the pavement or being thrown from their bike. Even when a biker wears protective gear and operates his/her bike in a safe manner, motorcycle road rash can be unavoidable when a wreck happens.
If you or a family member was involved in a motorcycle accident that left you with road rash, you may be entitled to compensation. Accident victims may be able to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages and property damage.
To learn more about motorcycle accident claims, fill out the Free Case Evaluation form.
Degrees of Road Rash Injuries
Road rash can be classified into three categories, first-degree road rash, second-degree road rash and third-degree road rash.
In a first-degree road rash injury the skin will become red; it has a similar appearance to rug burn. Accident victims that receive a first-degree road rash injury will not need to receive medical treatment.
Second-degree road rash occurs when the outer layer of the skin breaks. The underlying skin layers remain intact, which leaves little risk of skin scarring. When scarring does occur, it tends to be minimal.
Typically, second-degree road rash is treated with over-the-counter products.
When all five skin layers have been broken and have opened up to the fat, a third-degree road rash has occurred. Accident victims should seek medical attention immediately after sustaining a third-degree road rash injury. These are serious injuries and can leave an individual susceptible to infections.
If you or a loved one has sustained a severe road rash injury, contact Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers.
Treatment for Road Rash
Accident victims who have suffered a second-degree road rash should immediately wash all dirt and debris from the injury. Clean the wound with soap and water, and then blot it dry with a towel. Try not to scrub the injury, doing so may result in scarring. Sufferers can apply an ointment before bandaging the injury up. In addition, individuals may want to consider using Tegaderm or DuoDerm. These products may help your road rash injury heal quicker. Bandages should be changed every two to three days unless the injury begins to ooze; changing your bandage frequently will reduce the chances for infection.
Riders who sustain a third-degree road rash should see a doctor immediately. If a motorcyclist does not treat a third-degree road rash in a timely manner, they can suffer permanent damage to the muscles and tissues. In addition, they can develop a life-threatening infection at the injury site. A third-degree road rash injury may require surgery and physical therapy to heal. In severe cases, the rider may need to be hospitalized for several weeks.
Filing a Connecticut Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit
If an accident caused you or a loved one to suffer from motorcycle road rash, you may have grounds for legal action. Contact an experienced Connecticut motorcycle accident attorney today.
At Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers, we offer free case evaluations to all accident victims. During your case evaluation, an attorney will assess your accident and advise you on the best legal remedy to pursue.
Our legal team has the knowledge and resources to successfully handle motorcycle accident cases. Many of our clients have received maximum compensation for their legal claims.
To find out if you‘re eligible to file a motorcycle accident lawsuit, fill out the contact form on this page.