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Defensive Driving Techniques

In a report recently issued by the United States Census Bureau, it was stated that there were over 10 MILLION automotive accidents in the United States in 2010 alone. With these startling statistics in mind, defensive driving skills are quickly becoming a necessity for drivers on our roads, in order to stay as safe as possible. If you or someone you care about has been injured in an automotive accident that was caused by someone else, the injury victim may be eligible to receive compensation for their injuries – including lost wages, medical costs and other related damages. To find out how we can help, please fill out and submit the Free Case Evaluation form – it’s free.


According to the AAA, motor vehicle accidents cause 114 fatalities every day – accidents that many motorists can potentially avoid simply by using some effective defensive driving techniques. With defensive driving essentially being defined as a set of skills that allows drivers to defend themselves against reckless drivers, drunken motorists and inclement weather, there are some easy elements that almost all motorists can learn. Some of these tips can include (but are not limited to):


Besides obeying the traffic laws, motorists should anticipate potential danger and stay focused on the roadway. Drivers should always be ready to brake suddenly or make an evasive move if necessary, while also frequently scanning their mirrors and the road ahead for any cars or trucks that may be entering the highway.


Drivers should never leave their fate up to another driver. By anticipating the worst possible scenario and automatically assuming that other drivers will run through traffic lights, roll through stop signs and violate other traffic laws, you can be prepared to act if needed.


Motorists should always try to avoid internal distractions while on the road. Anything that can divert a driver’s attention from the act of driving is considered a distraction. Common distractions include:

…. just to name a few. Connecticut drivers should also learn how to operate the stereo without taking their eyes off of the highway – which can often be done using voice-activated commands in many new vehicle auto systems.


Drivers should follow the “two-second rule” while driving a vehicle in normal traffic and good weather. The two-second rule states that your motor vehicle should stay at least two seconds behind the car in front of you, which generally provides drivers with enough time to react in the event of an unexpected situation on the road ahead. You can easily check your distance by watching the car in front of you pass a certain point (a street lamp pole is a good example). Next, count the amount of time it takes you to pass the point. If it takes less than two seconds to pass that point, you are traveling too close to the car ahead of you. Following another car too closely puts you at risk of having a rear-end collision.

When driving on the highway the distance changes to four seconds. Also, drivers should add an additional second for each condition like driving at night, rain, fog, sleet or traveling behind a motorcycle or commercial truck.


It’s important to remember that other drivers have no clue what you’re going to do unless you tell them. Always signal early for lane changes and turns, and always turn off your signal once you have made your move. Signaling your intentions can help to prevent you from being in a side-impact crash, while also being a courteous action to other drivers – giving them enough notice to either slow down and wait for your turn, or to move out of your lane and proceed on their course.


Drivers should have alternate travel paths while on the highway. Give yourself enough space to maneuver your vehicle around potential hazards and other obstacles that may block your path.


Research has shown that using a seat belt increases your chances of surviving a motor vehicle accident. While Connecticut law requires all drivers and front passengers to wear their seat belt, minors aged 4-16 to must also wear a seat belt in the rear seats. According to the National Highway Traffic Association, over 400,000 people were injured in distraction-related crashes in 2009. By incorporating basic driving techniques into your everyday routine, you can help to protect both yourself and your loved ones from being injured by bad drivers.

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When is the best time to call a Connecticut lawyer? Now! No matter how big or small a vehicular accident is, you are going to need to know your rights and protect yourself. Know what the Power of Perkins can do for you when you contact our personal injury attorneys in CT today for schedule a free consultation!